Learn to create new wealth with me!

Learn the 12 Business Commandments



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Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Steven Jobs and the founders of Google created, invented unique products and services that improved the quality of life and created and generated new wealth for themselves, their community, their country and the world.

Uday has a 12 Business Commandments to enable entrepreneurs to succeed in creating new wealth, not redistributing existing wealth.  The points are simple and easy to understand and will answer most questions relating to entrepreneurship, start-ups and almost any enterprise you are involved in.  He believes his 12 point program has universal application.  His goal is to share this program so that all entrepreneurs and business leaders can benefit from his experience and knowledge of starting 8 distinctive enterprises on 4 continents from scratch.

He believes a business philosophy must have universal application across the board to all enterprises across the globe. Otherwise, they are the thoughts and opinions of a brilliant businessman with limited application to enterprises in the Unites States or across the globe.

Today, Uday’s plan is to give back to the community at large especially new entrepreneurs and businesses, entrepreneurs and enterprises that provide product or services in all industries. He is looking for ways to share his knowledge and help others live their dream.  He says “knowledge is like milk, you must share it and use it or it will spoil.” He believes anyone and everyone has the opportunity to create new wealth and innovative entrepreneurs can create true new wealth for the individual, the community and the country.

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Grow your business exponentially and profitably in any economy.
PROVEN in 8 businesses on 4 continents